Il frutto

I frutti, detti drupe o ciliegie, cui assomigliano per colore e dimensioni, hanno una forma più ovale. Man mano che procede la maturazione, la buccia cambia colore, passando dal verde al giallo fino ad arrivare ad un rosso acceso, arancio scuro e violaceo a seconda dell'origine.

I frutti del caffè crescono a ciclo continuo lungo i rami e maturano in un periodo compreso tra gli 8 e i 12 mesi.

La maturazione è legata alla quantità di zuccheri presente nel frutto: più zucchero c'è nel frutto meglio è.

Il terroir

Le piante di caffè vengono coltivate nella fascia compresa tra il 25° parallelo di latitudine nord e il 25° parallelo di latitudine sud che per temperatura, esposizione al sole e natura del suolo (terroir), sono ideali per la loro crescita.

La raccolta

Una raccolta accurata è di importanza fondamentale per la qualità della tazzina che ne deriverà.

A good portfolio will get you an interview. A good attitude will get you a job.

We have a great opportunity for experienced photographers to join our team. Yes, we do need you to already own a camera. No, your iPhone camera won't cut it. Go on, 'Shoot' us a message.

Surf's up!

There are 23 million estimated surfers around the world. The longest amount of time spent surfing one wave is 37 minutes. There are many other reasons you should get on board.

Your Journey

Desert Tiptoes Inc. is a company that set forth to boldly go where no other company has gone before, and to get as many individuals to walk barefoot across the Sahara desert, leaving beautiful and temporary foot marks behind. When we started, we had no clear vision as to why we wanted to get people to do that. Today, 20 years later, we are still kinda confused.

Do what I want, not what I say.

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I love you, won't you tell me your name? These immortal words by legendary musician Jim Morrison are still as relevant today, in this digital age, as they were back then. 

Writing, made simple.

Everyone can write, but not everyone is a writer. What makes the difference is the keen eye for detail and beauty.

If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.

Masaru Emoto

Design is an opportunity

We want to create something that does more than just look nice on a page. How are the creative stories of the future going to look like?


The photo occurs in a broader scope than the snap of the camera. It starts with the first glance of attention

Video Art

We all shun away from it on museums, but in the real world, video art can, and does, make a difference

Web Design

Endless design possibilities start with a single possibility that wants to expand further than ever before
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